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National Philharmonic’s Porgy and Bess Opera

Marlissa Hudson portrays Bess alongside Kevin Deas' Porgy and the National Philharmonic's producton of Porgy and Bess.

Marlissa Hudson portrays Bess alongside Kevin Deas' Porgy and the National Philharmonic's production of Porgy and Bess.

The National Philharmonic, at Strathmore, performed one of the most beloved works associated with the African American community: 'Porgy and Bess,'…It’s to conductor Stan Engebretson’s credit that the Philharmonic performed with such confidence and élan…a group of prodigiously gifted black singers made this great American opera actually live and move us.


- Washington Post Review, Feb. 26, 2018


Image Power utilized a strong combination of advance press coverage, social media and no-cost media partnership advertising to sell out the 2,000-seat Strathmore Hall for a February 2018 performance of America’s most important opera.


Press releases and phone pitches were crafted with different “hooks” for general media, Jewish media, Black media and arts media, resulting in major advance coverage in outlets, including the Washington Post, WTOP radio, Kol HaBirah, Culture Spot, Washington Jewish Week and the Washington Informer. Take a look at some of the diverse coverage below.




Chee-Yun Plays Vivaldi's Four Seasons

At Image Power, we always try to turn our clients' projects into positive news that media will want to cover. Humdrum press releases just don’t make news.


We were researching the most newsworthy “hook” for a press release for a concert that client National Philharmonic was planning featuring award-winning violinist Chee-Yun. Nothing in her bio gave us the unusual news angle we were seeking.


While doing some Web research, we found an interview with Chee-Yun in an Israeli publication revealing that her violin was buried with its previous owner for 200 years. No media in the United States had ever covered this angle. 


Read the fascinating news stories we generated in articles in The Washington Post and The Washingtonian. Click on the image to the right to watch the Fox-5 TV (Washington D.C.) coverage.

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